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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This manuscript has not been previously published, and currently is not under evaluation for publication in other journal.

  • The manuscript has been prepared according with General and technical requirements for manuscript preparation of Acta Scientiarum Polonorum s. Agricultura.
  • Tables and Figures are in the text in correct sequence.
  • Lines are numbered.
  • Pages are numbered.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines
Suggestions for original manuscript preparation for Acta Scientiarum Polonorum s. Agricultura

  1. Manuscript online submissions
    All manuscripts should be submitted through the online submission system. With the manuscript, also the below declaration should be filled out, signed and submit through the online submission system.
    Copyright handover and conflict of interest declaration
    Authors’ declaration of affiliation and contribution towards manuscript preparation

    In the case of difficulties encountered when submitting online, manuscripts can be submitted as email attachments to the editorial office -
  2. Fee
    Fee for manuscript publication in Acta Scientiarum Polonorum series Agricultura is paid mainly by the authors. Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, PBS Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology finances the printing of covers. Estimated cost of the publication of an article of one author’s sheet (40 000 characters or 3000 cm2 with black and white figures) is 350 PLN net.
  3. Double-blind Review
    Please do not list authors or include author information in the copy of the article you intend to upload. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum series Agricultura peer review is conducted as a double blind process and the uploaded copy will be made available to the Reviewers. Authors and their information are added after you have uploaded the article.To facilitate the journal's double-blind peer review process, authors should make efforts to ensure that information about the authors' identities do not appear anywhere in the manuscript. If an author is cited, "Author" and year should be used in the bibliography and footnotes instead of the author's name, paper title, etc.Besides the obvious need to remove names and affiliations under the title within the manuscript, there are other steps that need to be taken to ensure the manuscript is correctly prepared for double-blind peer review:Use the third person to refer to work the Authors have previously undertaken, e.g. replace any phrases like “as we have shown before” with “… has been shown before” .Make sure figures do not contain any affiliation related identifierRemove references to funding sourcesDo not include acknowledgmentsRemove any identifying information, including author names, from file names and ensure document properties are also anonymized.
  4. General and technical requirements for manuscript preparation
    Only papers in English will be accepted for publication. A paper in Polish may be sent for review. The costs of translating papers into English are currently covered by funds allocated under the "Support for scientific journals" program.

Manuscript length with tables, figures, and pictures should not exceed 12 pages of A-4 format.
Document style – text should be written in font Times New Roman, size 12, with 1½ space, distinctions in the text are allowed, for example italics or bold, but no underlining of letters, words, or sentences. Manuscripts submitted for review should include line numbers.
Table and figure size should not exceed 16.5 cm x 19.5 cm; table headings should be written in font Times New Roman, size 9,5. Use single row spacing in tables, if possible with no vertical lines.
Table titles and their contents, as well as figure descriptions and legends must be given in English and table and figure numbers in Arabic numerals
Units and style - International System of Units SI is obligatory, for example g .dm-3, dm3 ·ha-1, Mg ·ha-1, kg ·ha-1 or g ·m-2. Symbols and indications referring to statistical analysis should be consistent with the attached list.
References – when referring to other papers in the text, name and year should be given in chronological order (Kowalski and Lewandowski, 2000; Lewandowski, 2001; Zalewski et al., 2001) or ...according to Kowalski (2000)...
Reference list should be in alphabetical order. When in a given year several works by the same author(s) were published, positions a, b, c, etc. should be given after the year. Examples:

  • Chełkowski, Z. (1966). Introdukcja troci do rzeki Gowienicy. Gosp. Ryb., 1(2), 18–19.
  • Greń, J., Kowalski, Z. (1972). Statystyka matematyczna. PWN Warszawa.
  • Pisulewski, P., Strzetelski, J., Antoniewicz, A. (2009). Podstawowe założenia IZ PIB- INRA norm żywienia przeżuwaczy. [In:] J. Strzetelski (red.), IZ PIB-INRA. Normy żywienia przeżuwaczy. Wartość pokarmowa francuskich i krajowych pasz dla przeżuwaczy, Wyd. IZ PIB Kraków, 11–20.
  • Patkowska, E., Konopiński, M. (2008a). Pathogenicity of selected soil-borne microorganisms for scorzonera seedlings (Scorzonera hispanica L.). Folia Horticul., 20/1, 31–42.
  • Patkowska, E., Konopiński, M. (2008b). Pathogenicity of selected soil-borne fungi for seedlings of root chicory (Cichorium intybus L. var. sativum Bisch.). Veg. Crops Res., Bull. 69, 81–92.

The following manuscript scheme is mandatory:

  • Manuscript title
  • Author(s)’ name(s), surname(s) and e-mail address – This information should be placed in the manuscript after the review process
  • Structural abstract with division into Background, Material and methods, Results, Conclusion.
  • Key words in English – up to six words should be given helpful for search and indexation.
  • Main text should include: introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions (or summary), and references.
  • Title, abstract, and key words in Polish.

Suggestions for original manuscript preparation for Acta Scientiarum Polonorum s. Agricultura

„Ghostwriting” and „guest authorship” block

A proof of the ethical attitude of a scientist and the highest editorial standards is the publicity of information on the entities that contribute to manuscript preparation (content-related, material, financial, etc. contribution). This is an indication not only of good manners, but also of social responsibility.
Counter examples are „ghostwriting” and „guest authorship”. We talk about „ghostwriting” when somebody has a major contribution towards manuscript preparation without revealing his or her contribution as one of the authors or without stating his or her role in acknowledgements stated in the publication. We talk about „guest authorship” („honorary authorship”) when the author’s participation is scarce or does not take place at all, but in spite of this the person is the author/co-author of the publication.
Therefore, in order to counteract the cases of „ghostwriting” and „guest authorship”, the Editorial Office introduces the following procedures:

  1. It is required from the authors of the manuscripts to reveal the contribution of the particular authors towards manuscript preparation and to state their affiliations and contributions, that is information on who is the author of the concepts, hypotheses, methods, and content-related result processing used during manuscript preparation, whilst main responsibility is placed on the author who submits the manuscript.
  2. The author who submits the manuscript is obliged to give the information on manuscript financing sources and the impact of scientific institutions, associations, and other units („financial disclosure”).
    The Editorial Office informs that it is obliged to expose all the cases of scientific dishonesty, including informing proper institutions, such as ones that employ authors, scientific societies, scientific editors, association, etc. The Editorial Office will document all the forms of scientific dishonesty, especially breaking and infringing the ethical rules that are obligatory in science.


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