Procedura recenzowania

Peer review
The Polish Journal of Technical Issue uses the single-blind peer review method, which means that the identity of the reviewers is not known to the author(s). All submissions to the journal are pre-screened by the editors of the editorial committee for their suitability for the journal. At this stage, manuscripts may be rejected without review if they do not fit the journal's themes, are not of sufficient general interest, and/or do not meet manuscript formatting requirements, and/or do not meet acceptable English language standards. Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are sent to a minimum of two independent experts selected by the section editor to assess the originality and interpretation of the data. When assessing the manuscript, the following criteria are taken into account: novelty; the significance of the results; methods and quality of data analysis; presentation of results; quality of discussion; accuracy of references. Reviewers are asked to submit their comments and/or suggestions within 4 weeks of gaining access to the manuscript. The external evaluation ends with one of four proposals for the editors: acceptance of the manuscript without changes; a minor revision or a major revision (with multiple reviews) is required; rejection of the manuscript. The manuscript will be sent back to the appropriate author for proofreading in accordance with the reviewers' instructions. The corrected version should be returned to the editorial office within 3 weeks of making the decision. After this delay, it will be considered a new manuscript. Authors must indicate how comments and suggestions have been incorporated or why not. Final acceptance is the decision of the section editor and is based on the reviewers' reports and the editorial office's opinion. Depending on the section editor's decision, revised manuscripts may be sent to reviewers for a second time. Authors cannot engage in discussions with the Editorial Office regarding articles rejected as unsuitable for publication, and the Editorial Office's decision to reject publication is final. Page samples will be available to authors as PDF files. They should be returned to the Editorial Office as soon as possible, no later than within a week, via the Editorial System.The review form will be available via the Editorial System.