Peer Review
The Life Sciences Reports is uses single-blind peer review, which means that the identity of the reviewers is not known to the author(s). All submissions to the journal are examined initially by Life Sciences Reports editors for their appropriateness to the journal. At this stage, manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if they are not relevant to the journal’s scope, are of insufficient general interest, and/or do not conform to manuscript formatting requirements and/or do not meet acceptable standards of English. Manuscripts that pass initial screening are sent to a minimum of two independent experts chosen by the section editor for evaluation of the originality and data interpretations. Manuscript evaluation takes into account the following criteria: novelty; importance of the results; methods and data analysis quality; presentation of the results; discussion quality; relevance of the references. Reviewers are invited to present their comments and/or suggestions within 4 weeks after getting access to the manuscript. External evaluation concludes in one of the four suggestions for the editors: accept manuscript without changes; minor revision or major revision (with repeated review) required; reject manuscript. The manuscript will be sent back to the corresponding author for revision according to the guidelines of the reviewers. The corrected version should be returned to the editor within 3 weeks after the decision has been made. After this delay, it will be considered as a new manuscript. The authors must indicate in which ways the comments and suggestions were taken into account or why they were not. Final acceptance is a decision of the section editor and is based on the reviewers’ reports and the editorial board advice. Depending on the section editor’s decision, revised manuscripts may be sent out to reviewers a second time. The authors cannot enter into discussion with the editor with regards to papers that are rejected as being unsuitable for publication, and the editors decision of rejection is final. Page proofs will be available to authors as PDF files. They should be returned to the Editor as soon as possible and not later than one week via the Editorial System.